The PYP fosters natural curiosity and learning in creative, supportive and collaborative environments.
The PYP fosters natural curiosity and learning in creative, supportive and collaborative environments.
PYP students create meaning for themselves and build understanding through exploring real-world issues.
PYP students learn to communicate in a variety of ways and in more than one language.
PYP students work collaboratively with teachers and other students to plan, present and assess their own learning.
Collaboration and understanding of their own and other cultures are an important focus of the PYP — students learn how to be respectful and open-minded.
PYP students use critical and creative thinking to develop knowledge, understanding and skills within and across subject areas.
PYP students believe they are able to grow and succeed. They make appropriate choices and take responsibility for their actions.
Creative learning gives students the agility and imagination to respond to new and unexpected challenges and opportunities in an increasingly globalized and uncertain world.
Together we celebrate our common humanity and the belief that education can help to build a better and more peaceful world.
Students can express ideas and opinions, and they can propose solutions that make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.
I have been working in the field of education for more than 20 years and I joined the Mark Twain
IS team 16 years ago as a teacher of English. After a few years, I was appointed as PYP
Coordinator and then the role of Primary Deputy Academic Director was added.