We welcome all children aged 2 to 6 that possess academic potential and that have the capability to benefit from the educational climate specific to MTIS, as well as from the values and principles of an IB international education.
Students seeking admission by transfer are required to take an interview/a test aimed at evaluating their academic potential. Students that possess solid English skills are given priority. The optimum age recommended by MTIS for enrollment at entry level in the Preparatory Class is 6.
The admission to the high or middle school is conditioned by a high level of proficiency in English (International Division) or in the two languages of instruction – English, and Romanian. Diagnostic tests and assessed in one of the following subject areas: English and/or Romanian, and Maths.
*Mark Twain IS reserves its right to practice
flexible fees depending on seasonal offers,
scholarships and other special offers
(ex:sibling discounts).
Please contact us for more information.
Mark Twain International School welcomes students ages 2 to 19 from all
over the world, depending on availability of places and in accordance to its
entry standards.
MTIS reserves the right to subject the prospective students to an interview and
to a test of aptitudes, as well as to allow new students a period of adaptation to
the requirements and specific standards of our school.
Come on over! Call us direct or use our Online Contact form to make an appointment for a meeting with our Academic Directors and a tour of the campuses.
Or schedule a hands-on week of Mark Twain IS by requesting our ‘ONE-WEEK
FREE PASS’ from the school main office.