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Speech Ana Maria Ceaus

Dear teachers, parents and students. I would like to start this speech by thanking all of you for being present on this important day for us. It still feels unreal that this day has come, and we are gathered all  together to celebrate our success.

 I came to Mark Twain International School in 2021 as a little, lost and scared baby. When i have decided to put my signature into The Diploma Programme list, i had no idea the road that awaits me. It proved to be the hardest period of my life, filled with sleepless nights, crying sessions and overwhelming stress. I had so many moments when I thought to myself: “I can’t do this anymore”. But i did. We all did. We did not only write exams, but we have overcome fears, pushed ourselves to the limits and learned to get out of our comfort zone. Looking back, the beautiful memories created are the ones that stand out. The math study sessions till 5am in the morning before waking up at 7am to go to Giurgiu to plant trees, the 4 hours Romanian classes debating books or even the gather-ups before the exams encouraging each other will forever live in my heart. Today, we celebrate the culmination of this challenging yet rewarding journey .I would like to take a moment to thank those who have supported us along these past few years. Dear teachers, thank you for your unwavering dedication and for challenging us to strive for excellence. Your guidance has been invaluable, and your passion for education has inspired us all. Thank you for showing us that we are capable of doing extraordinary things, and thank you for being with us  every second of this journey of discovering ourselves.  I love you and respect you with all my heart. A special thank you to our Ms. Melania, who has held this class together and united through her loving and kind manner. You are like a second mother to me, guiding me through every step of the way. Coming here I was afraid to make mistakes and ask questions. You were the one that showed me that these are the ways for someone’s growth, not someone’s failure.  Thank you to our parents and families, your support has been our foundation. Your belief in our abilities has kept us motivated, even during the most stressful times. And to my fellow graduates, we have been through so much together. We have shared the highs of our achievements and the lows of our struggles. Thank you for making the most special and beautiful highschool experience anyone could dream of.

 To this day, i can’t quite describe the feeling of the moment i have put foot on this school’s grounds, but i can say that from the first seconds, it felt like home. This place welcomed me with the most heart-warming people and energy, and it helped me change from a scared baby, into a powerful, brave and fearless girl. It gifted me life-long friendships, endless laughter and the opportunity to grow and develop in a way, that i have never imagined.

  We all have waited for this day to come with excitement , but now that we are here, we would do anything to enjoy those highschool moments for at least one more time. I want to remind each one of us that today is not just an end but a beginning. It's the start of new adventures, new opportunities, and new possibilities. I want to wish all of you the best as we go our own separate ways. Throughout the years of discovering you, i am 100% sure that you will achieve exceptional and incredible things. I am so proud of each one of you. Let's face the future with courage and confidence, knowing that we are prepared and capable. Let's make our mark on the world and leave it better than we found it.

Congratulations, Class of 2024! We did it! Here’s to our future!