Collaborative School
Partnership Initiative
for Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion - Phase I

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Mark Twain IS is proud to announce that it has been granted Leader Position in the “European Funds PUZZLE Project - Designed to develop a variety of student skills through interactive outdoor learning”, to be implemented alongside our partner school, Scoala Petrachioaia nr. 1 Ilfov.

The project targets the development of an integrated centre for outdoor education, while generating awareness and rooting diversity, equity, inclusion and justice, in the learning environment. It supports optimal student integration, improvement of education quality and of attendance rates in our partner school, and it also aims to offer continuous training for their faculty, providing quality student-oriented education, honed to the concepts of inclusion and diversity. The project involves 350 primary and secondary students, and 36 faculty members, from both schools, bringing together Mark Twain IS' 55 nationalities in a collaborative environment with minority and disadvantaged rural students.

This school initiative is addressing two United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
Școala Primară Mark Twain International School în parteneriat cu Școala Gimnazială Nr.1 Petrăchioaia anunță demararea proiectului: „PUZZLE - Proiecte unice de dezvoltare a abilităților elevilor prin jocuri interactive desfășurate outdoor”

POCU/988/6/26/155073 Proiectul este cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020, Axa Prioritara 6, Prioritatea de investiții 10.iv, Obiectiv specific 6.3 și 6.6, Denumire Apel „Educație nonformală în sistem outdoor”, Cod Apel POCU/988/6/26.


Flattening classroom walls by learning outdoors

through travel and exploration. Bonding through discovery as a diverse, inclusive group.


Interactive outdoor group activities for personal development

building trust and tolerance, and learning about each other. Building skills in order to work together successfully as a diverse group.


Discovering and sharing each other's roots, traditions and values

in order to better promote tolerance and intercultural understanding.


Colours are colouring the world!

Learning about diversity and inclusion through outdoor visual arts and crafts classes.

Promoting diversity and inclusion through creative teamwork in performing arts projects that are showcased in the local community.